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Send credit report

Posted on: 02nd May, 2013 01:57 am
Will it be safe to send my credit report to a mortgage broker?
Well, you may not have to send your credit report to the mortgage broker. The broker has his own system to pull your credit report and check out whether or not you will get a loan.
Posted on: 02nd May, 2013 02:10 am
Hi Guest,

As Niicss has suggested, you're not required to send your credit report to anyone. Rather, it is mortgage broker's responsibility to pull it. Do not send anything to him. Let him do it on his own.

Posted on: 02nd May, 2013 07:53 pm
Why should you? It's not your responsibility to do so.
Posted on: 03rd May, 2013 03:00 am
I always encourage consumers to pull their own credit, and use it when shopping for a mortgage. The Loan Officers want to know your 3 FICO scores, so pull your credit, give them the scores, and get your quotes. The problem with allowing them to pull your credit are the "inquiry" dings. It's called a "hard" inquiry when they access it, which reduces your score. You'll only receive one inquiry ding if you do all your shopping within a 14 day window, but if a Lender pulls your credit on the 15th day, you'll be penalized with another inquiry, and so on. If you pull your own it's a "soft" inquiry, and doesn't impact your scores. When you've finally selected your Lender, have them pull your credit and move forward with the loan.

The only place I know where you can pull your credit and see the exact same FICO scores your Lender will see is at If you get your scores directly from the credit bureaus, they'll provide you with consumer credit scores, which aren't the same as FICO scores (they're usually quite a bit higher then FICO scores).
Posted on: 03rd May, 2013 11:34 am
Let the broker take out the credit report because it's his responsibility.
Posted on: 22nd May, 2013 07:32 am
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