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Can I sue for downpayment and closing cost money?

Posted on: 26th Sep, 2008 09:25 am
I am in the middle of purchising a quick sale home. I signed all the closing documents thinking everything was fine. As it turned out the realitor saleing the home was lying to my realitor about documents that he was supposed to give then lending company. Now we are at risk of losing the neihmeiah program and if that happens we are unable to purchase a home. We have until 9-30-08 by 5:00 to have this resolved. Is there anything that I can do to make sure that I can now purchase a home?
carrie jo, in this country anyone can sue anyone else; but that's the easy answer.

i'm afraid that your time is much too short to resolve this by the 30th, inasmuch as the nehemiah program is about to go the way of the dinosaur. it would be beneficial for you to look at other methods of coming by your down payment/closing costs assistance.

if your property seller is willing to pony up the funds for a nehemiah fund, why not as regular seller concessions on the loan? under fha guidelines, your seller can give you 6% of the sales price.

suing is not really an alternative - going to court will take you well past september 30.

if, on the other hand, you can work out the details with the realtor and the seller to your satisfaction, you may be able to meet that date.
Posted on: 26th Sep, 2008 10:58 am
Hi carrie jo!

Welcome to the forums!

Suing is not a good alternative for you as you have very short period of time. It would be excellent if you could consult both the seller and the realtor and find out a solution to this.

Feel free to ask if you have further queries.

Posted on: 26th Sep, 2008 08:25 pm
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