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If notary invalid is document good if filed anyway

Posted on: 17th Oct, 2006 05:21 pm
I quitclaim deed 2 houses to my wife under duress and threats. Come to find out the notary statement on the deeds were not valid but the county filed them anyway. Does that make them valid or can I contest them because of this. I am out of the house because she has owenership and she has moved to Oregon and the house is in NC
Need help

You are saying that you had quit claimed the houses in your wife's name under threats and duress.

You will have to prove in the courts that it is actually what made you quit claim the houses in your wife's name. And if you are able to prove it then the court will certainly allow the cancellation of the deeds.
Posted on: 17th Oct, 2006 05:40 pm

It's quite difficult to reverse the deed. Anyway you may have a look at a previous discussion on Quit Claim Reversal to find out more.

Posted on: 17th Oct, 2006 05:47 pm
How could the county file them, did they not verify the notary statement.
Posted on: 17th Oct, 2006 09:15 pm
once the county files a quit claim deed, it is regarded to be valid. but as you say, the notary statement isn't valid, so you always have a chance to take the right action against it. i mean you need to cancel this deed, otherwise later on if someone discovers that the notary statement isn't valid, he may raise the issue regarding the validity of this deed.

though it's not that easy to cancel the deed, but there's one way out. you need to prove in the court that the deed was signed under threat from your wife.


consult an attorney for further advice on this issue.
Posted on: 17th Oct, 2006 09:46 pm
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