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Gifter Statement

Posted on: 23rd Oct, 2013 08:56 am
What is the minimum that they need to see on the bank statement from the gifter? My brother is very private and wants to provide what is needed, but limit what they can see on it. What can he have blacked out?
I can answer as to what is possible, but, I cannot guarantee every underwriter will accept what I am going to say.

I have closed loans with everything on the donor's bank statement blacked out except for his name, account number, bank name and address and the debit for the gift check clearing.

It may also be possible to get a letter on bank letterhead from the branch manager simply stating "check #____ in the amount of $_____cleared account #_______ on (_____DATE )

You will have to check with the lender to see if anything other than ALL pages of a statement can be provided.
Posted on: 23rd Oct, 2013 01:43 pm
Hi Guest!

Welcome to the forums!

You can get in touch with the lender and ask him as to what details he wants to see in the bank statement. Once he tells you that, you can ask your brother to black out all other information mentioned on the statement.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 23rd Oct, 2013 08:43 pm
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