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Getting off of a mortgage

Posted on: 04th Jul, 2010 01:39 pm
I'm hoping that SOMEONE here can help me....
I bought a house almost 2 years ago with my boyfriend, I supplied ALL of the downpayments and expenses for the purchase of the house. We GOT the mortgage because of my very good credit.
My relationship with my boyfriend has since fallen apart. I want to get out of the house and off of the mortgage.

I just want to move on with my life. I can't afford to pay my portion of the monthly bills AND support myself in another apartment.

I want ALL the monies I put out for the house (I have documentaion for all of that) I want OFF the mortgage.

Should I see an attorney? OR should I speak to my mortgage company first.


Thanks so much!
Hi Joschmo,

You and your boyfriend can list the property in the market and try to sell it off. Once you get the buyer and sell off the property, you will have to pay off the mortgage dues in full. If there remains a balance amount after the loan is paid off, you can divide it amongst yourselves.

Posted on: 06th Jul, 2010 12:29 am
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