Posted on: 30th Aug, 2011 03:06 pm
I have an installment loan on my home and my home is almost paid for but I ran into financial problems (divorce) and both of my business were in trouble so I filed chapter 13 so now the bank doesnt send me a statement for my home loan anymore they told me I can pay whatever I want a month even though I have been sending in a regular payment, I recently went to the bank and asked them and they told me that my loan was in recovery and I really like to know what does that mean? they told my I could send $50.00 a month if I wanted to, Should I have them to put that in black & white?
Hi Guest,
When you filed Chapter 13, didn't you receive a payment plan from your lender for your mortgage payments? You should be liable for making payments as per that payment plan. Nevertheless, you should first have a word with your bankruptcy attorney and take his opinion in this matter.
When you filed Chapter 13, didn't you receive a payment plan from your lender for your mortgage payments? You should be liable for making payments as per that payment plan. Nevertheless, you should first have a word with your bankruptcy attorney and take his opinion in this matter.
You have to settle that soon and try seeking for a legal advice to determine what exactly should your next move.