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Trading a car that has a loan for a smaller loan?

Posted on: 17th Nov, 2010 02:18 pm
Right now we have a 2009 Journey. It has a loan amount of 17500$. We are looking to trade it in for an older car with a smaller loan, however we have heard mixed things about doing so. The dealership has told us that they would pay off the total loan of 17500$ and put us with the smaller loan... I don't know how much I can trust that.

Do any of you mamas know how that works out? We want to rid as much debt as we can, right now we are about 20000 in total debt, and all but our car will be paid off within the next 2 months. What would be ideal for us to do?
Hi dianejsmith!

Welcome to forums!

As far as I can understand, your dealer is right. You will have to pay off the total loan when you sell off your existing car. If you don't do so, the lender may charge off the account to a collection agency.

Posted on: 17th Nov, 2010 07:10 pm
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