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Geneva Roth

Posted on: 11th Apr, 2007 05:21 pm
I took out a $300 dollar loan last august and since then they have taken $1620.00 from my account. I can't find any numbers to find these people to stop them from deducting from my bank account. What should I do???
You can try this number: 913-825-1200, it should work.
Posted on: 11th Apr, 2007 06:44 pm
I would suggest that you contact the bank and ask them to block geneva roth from taking out any further amounts from the account.

Another thing you can do is close the checking account from which they are taking out the money and see what they do next.

Posted on: 11th Apr, 2007 07:01 pm
Tell the bank to dispute the debits with this company and show them the proof that these deductions from your account are unauthorized.

Bank will then ask geneva roth to clarify the debits and if they do not clarify then bank will have to revert the charges that were deducted to your account.
Posted on: 11th Apr, 2007 07:27 pm
Welcome Guest,

You should immediately contact the bank and tell them about the inconvenience that you are going through. Inform them that a company of the name Geneva roth is taking out money from your account without any justification.

Show the bank officials the proofs of your transaction with Geneva Roth and request them to stop the company from deducting money from your account.
Posted on: 11th Apr, 2007 09:17 pm
Frankly speaking guys,

It looks to be a scam again by the Geneva Roth. We have had several complaints put down by people dealing with this company. What surprises me is how they still hold on to their business in the midst of doing scams.

It is better that you contact the bank and deal with them directly asap.

The Geneva Roth is really causing a great deal of discomfort to all its customers and so far we have had so many people coming forward and sharing their experiences with our community.

Awaitingdawn, please feel free to talk about any illegal activity that this company has done with you or may be with any of your friends. Our motive is to highlight their illegal practices and scams they have been doing so that people become aware of their identity before dealing with them.

Let us know what the bank has to say. May be then we can come up with some more suggestions.

Good luck!
Posted on: 11th Apr, 2007 09:57 pm
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