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Mortgage Personae

Posted on: 22nd Jul, 2005 11:37 pm
Mortgage Personae includes each and every individual who offers services for the development of the mortgage industry as well as others who are a part of this industry. Right from the lender to the borrower and the loan officer to the appraiser, all are involved in the growth of the mortgage industry and therefore all of them constitute the mortgage personae.

The mortgage personae are also known as mortgage professionals. Click here to know more about these professionals.
Hi, Can i have the brief idea that who are the people assiciated with mortgage industry.

This section in underconstruction, may be you are working on it and i think then you can help me out also.

Thanks in advance

Posted on: 16th Oct, 2005 07:50 am
Personae in Latin means "a welcome person".

There are many people associated with the mortgage industry. These are the experts and well known people in the industry. They include: Loan officer, Real Estate Agent, Lender, Banker and many more.

Treiza, if you can tell something more as in which relation you want the associated person then I can help you in a better way.


Posted on: 16th Oct, 2005 08:30 am
Hi Terriza,

Niicss is absolutely correct. The 'Mortgage Personae' section will include each and every person involved in the mortgage industry. We have updated the personae section and from now onwards all the resources under this section will be available in the 'Mortgage Professionals' section.

We hope that we shall be able to provide you and all our members with sufficient information through this section.

Posted on: 16th Oct, 2005 09:17 pm
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