Posted on: 02nd Feb, 2010 09:34 am
my mothe ris wanting to significanly paydown the ballance and refinance her doublewide mobile home in texas but we are having a very difficult time finding a company to refi a mobile home. would appreciate any leads you can provide on who we can contact.
claudia yon
claudia yon
It's tough to find lenders that will finance mobile homes. Is the mobile home on a permanent foundation? What is your mother's credit score? What is the loan amount? Did you try the original mortgage company?
Yes the mobile home is on a permanent foundation. I do not know her credit score but she has always had good credit. Currently the loan amount is around $130,000 but she is wanting to pay it down significantly so we are really talking about refinancing just 30-50,000. The original mortgage has been sold twice since originated and the current holder does not do refi's. Any suggestions on companies that will refi a mobile home?
Sun West Mortgage out of Cerritos, California. Also try American Financial Resources. Both offer FHA financing for Manufactured Homes contructed prior to June 15, 1976, with very competitive interest rates.