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mobile home repossessiom

Posted on: 19th May, 2011 04:44 pm
Hello about 2 years ago my father purchased a mobile home back then he was working then later he quit working due to health issues and applied for social security which he still waiting to get approved He has been up to date with his payments but their is chances that he will no longer be able to make the payments what happens if the mobile home gets repossesed will that affect his social security appeal or if gets qualified will that affect his checks? another question I have is that the land where the mobile home is at is payed and owned by him will the lender go after that or his payed vehicles or any other collaterals? Their is another mobile home in the lot but its a family member's that one is payed will they try taking the one away as well even though is not under his name but it is in his land?
Hi Pau,

Though the mobile home gets repossessed, I don't think it will affect a social security appeal. It won't affect his checks even. Social security income cannot be garnished by the lender. The lender can go after your father's assets only if he is solely mentioned on the mortgage docs. If your name is not on the mortgage docs, the lender won't be able to come after your property in any way.

Posted on: 19th May, 2011 09:02 pm
Hi Pau,

I agree with James. But why don't you consult with an attorney regarding this ? He will help you with more suggestions.
Posted on: 26th May, 2011 09:16 pm
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