Posted on: 12th May, 2009 02:30 pm
I co-signed for my sisters house about 7 years ago, she promised after a year she would re-finance and take me off ect.. She never did so and i tried getting a lawyer to help me and nothing was ever resolved. She is now 40K past due, the bank has taking over and my credit is ruined. Can i sew her? the only thing i have is a personal agreement that we put together that was notarized.
Probably you can put a case agaist her.
I would consult a lawyer for this.
There is a possibility that the court may rule saying you agreed to help her get the loan.
I would consult a lawyer for this.
There is a possibility that the court may rule saying you agreed to help her get the loan.
if you have a needle and thread, go right ahead.
can you sue? i don't see how - didn't you agree to this arrangement to begin with? didn't you voluntarily cosign that loan? didn't you know that you were 100% liable for the debt?
can you sue? i don't see how - didn't you agree to this arrangement to begin with? didn't you voluntarily cosign that loan? didn't you know that you were 100% liable for the debt?
HI, When you Co sign for a loan you are 100% liable for the loan if the main co borrower doesnt pay or if something goes wrong. So im not sure you can sue her. I dont see what you can sue her for.