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Posted on: 25th Mar, 2010 07:12 am
We're looking for funding for a resort property and was recommented someone who told us about a program that I will copy below.

"As I mentioned to you, the funding is part of a program put together by the U.S. Treasurey Dept working with Business Cannons and the law firm that represents Business Cannons. The funds are from the Federal Reserve and the Central Banks and are currently in with J.P Morgan.

Here are the details:

The Business Cannon Program has the dual objectives of adding capital to the banking system and promoting economic development. It is effectively a Private Stimulus Program which uses a technique developed with the assistance of the U.S. Treasury Department. The Fed has reviewed the procedure and has found no problem with it. The technique employed is a combination of Non-Depletion Commercial transactions and so-called “Private Transactions”. The very substantial profits generated from these activities is divided equally 1) to increase capital in the participating banks and 2) to the law firm which uses the bulk of its profits to fund private commercial projects which contribute to economic development and employment growth. A very significant capital base is available from private sources to support Business Cannons and the law firm which enables the the program to be launched. The ensuing Loan/CD Purchase process generates the very significant funds to contribute several times the value of the project in the form of earned income or capital to the banks’ capital base. The subsequent Non-Depletion Buy/Sell Commercial transactions offer an additional vehicle to contribute very substantial income to the bank which is shared with the law firm. Because these transactions are “non-depletion” in nature, there is no risk either to the participating banks or to the law firm. Of critical importance to the banks in that this “stimulus” does NOT have to be repaid. It represents a permanent increase to the bank’s capital. Further, the Projects themselves are fully financed to include the cost of the project plus payment of all principal and interest on the credit which is extended over a 10-year term.


In response to the financial problems of many banks and the resulting negative impact on economic activity from reduced business loan volume, the highest levels of the Federal and International financial community have developed a unique private stimulus system. This system is designed to build capital and increase profits for any participating bank while also facilitating the funding of business and humanitarian projects. All this is accomplished without any appreciable risk of loss to the bank and has been incorporated in the BUSINESS CANNONS NEW PROTOCOL.

Normal bank activities involve borrowing money short and lending long, and making loans that may or may not be repaid. Both require substantial risk for the bank, as evidenced by the recent number of bank failures. In contrast, the NEW PROTOCOL will convert, through a series of financial transactions, funds borrowed from the Federal Reserve or a Central Bank into earned income capital in the form of a ten year Certificate of Deposit issued and owned by the borrowing bank. During this brief process all transactions are 100% cash collateralized, supplemented by a promissory note backed by Treasury Securities. No appreciable risk is involved.

Creation of this unencumbered capital enables the bank to participate in a Service Agreement partnership with the Nelson Law Firm representing BUSINESS CANNONS. This partnership uses the bank CD as risk free evidence of financial capability to engage in Non-Depletion Buy/Sell Commerce involving various commodities and financial instruments. Each transaction has an established buy price and sell price so there is a known profit margin in advance with virtually no risk of loss. The volume of available transactions is very great.

Profits from this commerce for the ten year life of the CD are shared equally between the bank and the Nelson Law Firm for BUSINESS CANNONS. The bank’s profits will initially amortize any funds borrowed for the capital accumulation and then simply increase the profit of the bank. Nelson Law Firm’s profits will initially fund the business project(s) and cover administrative expenses, after which it will fund other worthy goals.

In summary, the NEW PROTOCOL will stimulate economic activity by funding business projects. It will increase bank capital and profits with no appreciable risk. Since projects are funded by BUSINESS CANNONS rather than the bank making a loan, this Protocol eliminates the risk necessary for standard bank activities. Compared to traditional bank practices, this lack of risk makes the NEW PROTOCOL a far more conservative practice. It is the NEW PARADIGM for banking.

1. People who have projects find a bank willing to lend funds for the project.
2. Business Cannons, represented by the Nelson Law Firm, provides the bank a process that will generate capital that will enable the bank to participate in Non-Depletion (Safe) Commerce.
3. Profits from the Commerce will be shared equally between the bank and Nelson.
4. Bank profits will amortize the cost of the added capital and then be all profit. Nelson profits will fund the project and then fund other Purchase Orders
5. Added capital for the bank starts with Nelson making a deposit in the bank of $10,000 or its peso equivalent, or more on behalf of the borrower. The depositor can be the borrower or someone on his behalf.
6. The deposit is collateral for a $10,000 loan to Nelson, who uses the funds to purchase a 10 year CD from the bank, which is then assigned to the bank as advance payment for the Service Contract between the bank and Nelson.
.7. The bank now has $20,000 collateral to make a $20,000 loan, CD is purchased and assigned. The process is continued until the desired level of CDs is reached. The bank now owns CDs which are earned income or capital to the bank.
8. This accumulation takes only one day and is supported by additional collateral of US Treasury Notes equal to 240% of the added capital amount. Adding $100MM capital would have $240MM of treasuries.
9. The added capital is now an unencumbered asset which serves as evidence of financial capability for the bank to participate in the Non-Depletion Commerce. Participation does not require cash, only evidence of financial capability.
10. Terms of the bank’s participation are detailed in the Service Contract with Nelson.
11. Since the CDs are ten year instruments, the bank can participate in the Commerce for ten years if it desires."

Thank you for any assistance!
Yes, I am a participant. I will be happy to let you know when my property is funded...I do not have a time line will happen hopefully within the next month or two.
Posted on: 25th May, 2010 02:45 pm
George Akerley,
You seem to have a good bit of informational experience in these kind of programs; can you tell me if there has ever been one that you have found that does work or do you know any financing resources out there that would take a serious look at a Start Up compnay that does have the potential to make some real quality of life changes for many people?
Any insight would be appreciated.
Posted on: 30th May, 2010 10:42 am
CAMCv--You state: "One 74 year old banker, insurance broker, real estate broker, investment broker acquaintance of mine, Roger, just closed a $10 million USD deal with Home Depot using BCBG/ICC protocols".

I do not think your friend has closed this deal. Why not post a reference from the Home Depot executive who closed the deal? If it is such a worthwhile and effective protocol that will assist humanitarian efforts, then why not be fully transparent about the references?

I don't think you can provide a legitmate authorized quote from Home Depot. In fact, I know you cannot.

The whole thing is a big waste of time. In 12 years there has not been a succesfful outcome of any ICI ventures. And further, Business Cannons does not have 2 million members. It is a joke!
Posted on: 03rd Jun, 2010 04:16 pm
It always amazes me how people are so quick to lable anything they aren't familiar with as a scam? "Well, I've never seen this, so it can't be legit!"

There are many international banks participating in this process, as well as several US banks at this time. It actually can save a troubled bank by buying their non-performing assets (loans) at face value, and then capitalize the bank.

I'm sorry, but although it may sound 'too good to be true' to the skeptics, it is already working in many banks. Just because someone works in the financial industry, doesn't make them an expert in the Uniform Commercial Code. Most of them don't even understand the basics of commerce beyond the consumer level.
Posted on: 09th Jul, 2010 03:38 pm
Petunia, you are wrong. There are currently over a hundred other companies that have contracted to sell gift cards either to or through the Internet Catalog Club, such as:

85) Ruby Tuesday (900 restaurants worldwide)
86) Safeway/ Dominicks/ Vons/ Pavilions/ Randall / Tom Thumb/ Carrs/ Gunuardi's
87) Saks Fifth Avenue
88) Sam's Club/ Walmart
89) Sears
90) Shell
91) Sinclair
92) Speedway Super America (Gasoline/convenience stores 9 states)
93) Staples
94) Starbucks Coffee
95) Subway
96) Sunoco
97) Target
98) Texaco
99) Texas Roadhouse
100) T.G.I. Friday's
101) Toys "R" Us
102) Uno Chicago Grill (64 locations in 24 states + foreign countries.)
103) Walgreens
104) Wendy's

The above is obviously a partial list; Wendy's is not the end of the list.

If Allowed, I would give a website where members of the ICC purchase the gift cards. I gave a website you can go to to see for yourself, and my email address so I could reply to you but it was deleted. As a matter of fact, two of my replies were deleted, it seems. I'll try to become a member of this forum so you can contact me for more information because ICC Members can get up to a 70% discount and lifetime membership is just $25, a one time fee.

Anyway, information is available and not difficult to obtain but you really need a sponsor. The upper-up management has the firmly fixed attitude that they do not need to deal with people who call them scammers. They do not need you, nor do they benefit from your actions so they will just leave you out of it. If you want to learn about it, there is PLENTY of information available, so find a sponsor and begin to learn and apply.

After a year of studying ICC, Business Cannons Business Group (BCBG), Incredible Concepts, Inc., Bahamas (ICIB), zCash, etc. I am firm in the belief that it is legitimate and may be a boon to people around the world.

A large problem is that the world bankers, i.e. the FED in the USA, who run the biggest ponzie scheme the world around, have a strangle hold on the world economy. They literally destroy national economies at will in order to achieve their two goals, control all the money and have power over people. Tell me your lenders don't have power over you, please? Are you debt free?

ICIB/BCBG has been endeavoring to interface with the world banking network for over a decade now. Bankers will not cooperate. I've had them tell me they would not even send an email to a BCBG attorney in my behalf. Flat refusal. No reasoning other than,"I've seen this type of thing before. I see two or three a week and they are always a scam. No, I've never seen this one but they are always a scam. No, I won't email your attorney. No. No. No." Flat. No customer service. I've had accounts there for over a decade.

So, if you really want to know about it and can get in touch with an ICC member, s/he or I will be happy to share what we know.
Posted on: 13th Aug, 2010 10:13 am
Hi All,

I have also heard about Nelson firm & Business Canon group, can any body have experienced working with them. I am bit concerned. please help
Posted on: 18th Aug, 2010 03:50 am
I have spoken and had some limited email correspondence with him. I live in the same valley in Utah; Orem and Provo, my home, are sister cities. Nelson Law has limited his responses to include only financial institutions and other attorneys, I believe, so as to not get swamped replying to skeptics and curious tire-kickers, and hundreds of thousands of ICC members and "possiblies". I think there is wisdom in that.

I would be happy, at this point, to receive personal contacts with you, vjain, and any others, to answer questions. I am an ICC member, have a couple of promissory notes I am working on funding, and I am expecting a number of other, much larger notes in the somewhat near future.

Again (it has been stated in earlier postings here, I believe) the intent of the Cannons Group and ICC founders to benefit people all around the world with their financial backing, to be a solid economic base of hard assets upon which to build productive societies, particularly in poor, 3rd world localities where the economy is so slow that banks don't even look there for loans. Incredible-Concepts dot com tells their Jungle Story.

There seems to be a sense within the banking world, probably generated by the World Bank and the FED in the USA, that if they work with the Cannons Group they will be ripped off or something. I have yet to hear of a US banker even emailing Bruce Nelson Law with wiring instructions of where to send the money from a promissory note backed by the Cannons Group. My banks won't, at this point. "That's not my/our job" or "No. We don't do that. It's our policy here at this branch." are two of the main replies when asked. The other reply is, "You should get out of that. It is probably a scam. No. I won't email your law firm." and then they'll spend more time explaining why they won't send the email than it would take to send the email and read any reply that might come! So very interesting ... and irritating.

You would think customer service and an interest in receiving a deposit and mere curiosity would spur them to send a 1 line email: "Please contact me regarding the deposit expected by our client, CamCv, based upon his promissory note: XXXX-UAPN-00XX." BUT NO! It is not their policy nor their job, they say.
Posted on: 18th Aug, 2010 10:19 am
It is very simple folks. There is NO verifiable , documented case of any member ever--I mean EVER- having achieved successful outcome with any Ritchie Spurger-Ben Young devised program since the mid '90's.

The Bonds, Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange, Purchase Orders, etc etc. are useful only as toilet paper. Believe all you want, be as positive as you want, be as Christian as you want--no proof is ever going to surface... just 'aint gonna happen. There is no validity to any of these so-called "commerce" protocols.

If anyone can show unequivocal documentation included bank deposit receipts of the sums they have personally made off any program of the Internet Catalogue Club or Incredible Concepts Inc, I dare you to put them on the internet in the spirit of full transparency.

The only ones receiving any cash from the members of this club are the couple of guys at the top of the pyramid. Many, many people have lost money, properties, time and have suffered personal anxieties. Their stories are all over the internet. People have been posting for a year and a half at h t t p: //
Posted on: 22nd Aug, 2010 01:05 pm
Lucy, you will be waiting forever for your property. Sorry... Young is his own worst enemy. I don't care what law firm is involved the way that they take the money and take the money and have since the early 80's is sickening.

As for the court case... DO YOU DO ANY RESEARCH ON YOUR OWN?

The Court Case is NOT CLOSED OR OVER!

The SEC and the US Attorney's office and the Defendant's asked Judge Atlas to postponed the Docket Call pending a settlement agreement by the defendant's.

This settlement has to be approved by ALL OF THE MEMBERS of the SEC.

This Agreement has not been SETTLED yet. And if it is not the CASE GOES BACK TO ATLAS.

Worthless Paraguayan Bonds, Historical Documents, Huge Golden Nuggets...


This guy has been living off of others this entire time. He takes your money and spends it and invests in NOTHING!

As long as you are WORSHIPING HIM and SUPPORTING him you are his FRIEND...

Posted on: 09th Sep, 2010 06:44 am
I too work for a Bank and was approached by someone who gave $2,000 to this Business Cannons Group and was promised 2 $100,000 prom notes and needed a Bank to work with them on the transactions. I'm not sure what he needed the Bank to do, as he wanted me to conact the Nelson Law Office and he would explain the details. I did NOT do this. Why would I? If he didn't understand why he needed a Bank, why would I go out on a limb and risk my job for something I didn't understand. I asked him multipule times what he wants me to do and he said "contact Nelson Law Firm, and they will explain it to you." After I found out how much he paid for a $100,000 prom note, the conversation was basically over. This happens all the time to people and it's sad. I'm not sure why people think they can get something for nothing (or something for very little). He is not a customer of the Bank and I asked him why his Bank wouldn't do this "service." He said he went to multipule credit unions and Banks and no one would do. RED FLAG. Maybe there is a reason no Bank wants to be apart of this??
Posted on: 10th Sep, 2010 05:13 pm
As Intheknow pointed out, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.

I was approached by someone from BCBG with similar proposal for a "humanitarian" project. After lending my ear to a lengthy explanation I asked if I there is a successful example of this type of funding project. The answer was "no". However, I was told that two current projects were underway and would complete the process within 60 to 120 days (120 days being the maximum). 7 months seems like a long time to wait for a loan to clear; good thing you're not holding your breath!

If it smells like a duck; walks like a duck; sounds like a duck....

I smell a skunk.
Posted on: 25th Nov, 2010 08:08 pm
Gordon - I too am participating in the protocol and have been for over seven months. Working through The Calgary Group Centre and The Nelson Law Firm and am still waiting for some results. I do not know if it is a viable program but if it is can you identify a project that has been funded using these methods? There is also a "Gordon" who is involved with this program through The Calgary Group Centre, are you the same Gordon?

Experts without knowledge? I would advise everyone to be a skeptic until results are proven.

I hope to be proven wrong but to date there is nothing to indicate that this process is valid. I will be the first to post a response if the loan comes through.
Posted on: 29th Nov, 2010 12:26 pm
Lucy - On May 25th you stated that you had hoped to have your property funded "within the next month or two". It has been six months. Has your property been funded?
Posted on: 29th Nov, 2010 12:35 pm
i have been approched on this type of funding,is there anymore info out there that shows any project that closed? this one is through the calgery work center,daversifed wealth management. and a bank in the south pasific. thanks for any help.
Posted on: 08th Feb, 2011 06:05 am
Having fallen for this scam, I feel it is my responsibility to blow the whistle so that NOBODY else pays another dime into this international scam. Jean Howard Gregory (from Draper, Utah - 801-347-5359) was the "Work Center" who kept stringing us along for a couple years, and until October 2010, she was still in the business of scamming people out of money and dangling their hopes on her ponzi scheme of a program. Well, it was worse than a ponzi scheme because I don't know of a single instance where money was actually paid back out. Mr. Benjamin Young was her go-to-guy or the "trillionaire" that she kept referring to about the guy that's going to make the funding happen. They had various schemes in which they were trying to get banks to do things with their own money to create more money out of thin air. Anything they tell you is all hype and a pure scam. I'm half tempted to turn over Jean to the Utah Chamber of Commerce and have her and Benjamin Young, and Navigators International investigated for this. I really bet that it was set up the way it was to be completely untraceable. There are about 6 different entities, and the way they have you pay for things and track your payments is very clever, almost to the point where there is no paper-trail. If you are gullible enough to want to proceed with ANYTHING they may offer you, make sure you get things signed in a contract that your own attorney has looked over. But don't be dumb, like I and a couple dozen others I know were, and just stay away entirely!!!!!!
Posted on: 22nd Feb, 2011 04:13 pm
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