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Posted on: 25th Jul, 2010 11:32 pm
does it make sense to refinance if interest rate is 1 percent less or 144 dollars less and i still have 26 years left on the mortgage i am single and have 2 teenagers going to college in 3 years. i dont plan to move been in home for 15 years
I would say it usually does, depending upon your closing costs. We are
doing a lot of no up-front closing cost loans, so it makes sense to
bring that payment lower. You need to look at a total of payments
calculation as well, but a lot of people are more concerned with cash
Posted on: 26th Jul, 2010 11:59 am
You're the only one that can be the judge of that. By refinancing, will it ultimately improve you overall quality of living, if yes.......then yes.
Posted on: 27th Jul, 2010 08:23 am
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