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mortage liens

Posted on: 30th Aug, 2006 05:55 pm
I currently have a lien on my property after the chapter 13 was paid off. The MoneyStore was the orginial lender and when we filled for chapter 13 we saw that a new lender was listed on the property as Blueview. Blueview was paid in the chapter 13 and it was discharged in March 2006. We are in the process of refinancing our property and during the title search we see that The MoneyStore has a lien on the property. How do we get them to release the lien?


I think you should contact the lender and ask him to prepare the release deed for clearing the title and send it for recording purpose at the office of the recorder of deeds.
Posted on: 30th Aug, 2006 06:03 pm
In my opinion you should send the lender a certified mail notifying the delay on his part.

There is provision as per laws which can lead to penalties for the lender to pay for the duration the lien is not released.

Posted on: 30th Aug, 2006 06:13 pm

You will get complete details about the procedure you need to follow from this page. Please go through it and let us know if you have any other confusion.

Posted on: 30th Aug, 2006 06:22 pm
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