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When will bank approve short sale?

Posted on: 13th Mar, 2012 01:47 am
I need to know how much time it takes for the seller's bank to approve the short sale. I wrote my earnest money check on December 27 and STILL haven't heard anything from the seller’s bank even though there is no second lien holder on the house.
Hi Shamm,

Well, I haven't heard of any specific time period in order to get approval from the seller's lender. Nevertheless, I must tell you that as a large number of borrowers are trying to short sale the property, things might be time consuming. So, you should contact the seller as well as the seller's lender and find out how long it will take in order to get an approval.

Take care.
Posted on: 13th Mar, 2012 03:47 am
Hi Shamm,

Though there is no second lien on the house, it will take some time for the lender to approve the request for a short sale. I agree with Sara's opinion that things will be time consuming. So, you should be touch with the seller and ask him to ask the lender to give his approval asap.
Posted on: 13th Mar, 2012 08:45 pm
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