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behind on mortgage

Posted on: 24th Apr, 2010 12:15 pm
I am behind on mortgage three months and im affraid my house might become foreclosure, im unemployed with 2 children. If i can just get help from agencies or advice please. thanks
jessica c.
As you're unemployed, it would be difficult for you to receive any help from your lender. However, I would still suggest you to contact your lender and apply for a forbearance and negotiate with the lender for suspension of the payments for few months. Meanwhile you can apply for jobs and try to get one. Once you get a job, you can start paying off your dues on a regular basis.
Posted on: 26th Apr, 2010 02:14 am

As you said that you are unemployed and cannot make payments the best you can do is convince your lender for a forbearance which means the lender and the borrower will make an agreement were the lender delays his right to exercise foreclosure. You can consult an attorney for detailed information.
Posted on: 26th Apr, 2010 10:38 am
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