Posted on: 22nd Aug, 2010 10:15 pm
After a few financial hardships we hired a law firm to help us with a loan re-mod in OCt 09 by Feb 2010 it was complete and we signed our new loan docs and were very happy. AHMSI our "debt collector" updated our statements to reflect our new modified loan and we began making our new payments. In July we started recieving the old statements and after Many conversations with AHMSI they have just sent us a letter that states that they could not reach us and they are now foreclosing unless we jump through some more hoops...... Can we sue this company for Breach of Contract and Causing us more hardship and emotional distress?
Hi callfergie,
In this country anybody can sue anybody for any reason which violates the laws of states.So if you think you have sufficient proofs of breach of contract between you and the law firm,you can surely sue them and lead a battle in the court.
In this country anybody can sue anybody for any reason which violates the laws of states.So if you think you have sufficient proofs of breach of contract between you and the law firm,you can surely sue them and lead a battle in the court.