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2nd Mortgage loan charged off - What can they do?

Posted on: 21st Apr, 2010 12:45 pm
we recently hired an attorney to help with the process of a our 1st and 2nd home mortgage loan modifications. ultimately, we got scammed. the attorney closed her practice and left all of her clients in a lurch. she had advised us to skip mortgage payments, showing hardship, as they would be rolled up into the modification. bad legal advice. the 1st mortgage company began forclosure proceedings and we had to beg money from family to stay in our home. we currently owe more on the 1st morgage than the home is worth. the second mortgage was ignored in the mayhem, and no payments have been made in over a year. per our credit reports, the loan has been charged off. what can the 2nd mortgage company do to collect?
Hi lontif,

As the second mortgage dues have been charged off, the lender will not come after you for the payments. It is the collection agency who will contact you for the dues. You will have to negotiate with the collection agency and pay off the dues.
Posted on: 22nd Apr, 2010 12:44 am
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