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Posted on: 30th Mar, 2009 05:18 pm
I will have to foreclose due to my not being able to make the future payments with the ARM that I currently have.
I placed my son on the deed and he is not willing to sign any modification in which my current lender revised. My son has actually disowned me during this 2 year process that I have attempted to go through.
I could not credit qualify due to my wage to release my son from the deed / mortgage.
With money that I have I did go out and purchased a manufactured home due to the need to have an address and a roof over my head.
My credit is currently imppecable, but with a foreclosure I do know that all will be lost for 7 yrs.
Will the current mortgage company be able to take away the manufactured home that I have recently purchased? (I had to get my son off the deed)
Thank you,

[color=Red:dc17538ec5][size=9:dc17538ec5][Link deactivated as per forum rules][/size:dc17538ec5][/color:dc17538ec5]
I recently purchased an inexpensive manufactuured home due to my having to foreclose. Payments are due to double; mortgage company was working with me, but my son is on both financing and deed. He has disowned me and will not sign any paperwork with the current mortgage company.
Can the current mortgage company come after the manufactured home that I recently purchased?

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Posted on: 30th Mar, 2009 05:23 pm
I am looking at having to foreclose so I recently purchased an inexpensive manutactured (mobile) home.
Can the current mortgage company take away my recent purchase of the manufacture home. (date of manufactured home =1973)
Thank you,

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Posted on: 30th Mar, 2009 05:58 pm
Hi Shawn,

Is your son is the only one on the deed and the mortgage? In that case, if the property goes into foreclosure your credit will not be affected and the lender will not come after you. However, if you are on the mortgage and the proeprty is foreclosed, you will be liable for any deficiency due to the foreclosure and the lender can put lien on your manufactured home.
Posted on: 31st Mar, 2009 01:46 am
shawn, did you really have to post the same question over and over again? i don't suppose anybody is interested in taking your new home from you post-foreclosure on the house.
Posted on: 31st Mar, 2009 08:43 am
I think what Shawn Tracer forgot to mention was that she did the loan illegally when she put her son on there by misrepresenting her son's income so she can get a huge cash-out sum. Then she took all the cash-out, hid that from her son, then also took his name off the title without telling him (she is a pro at lying). Now her son is responsible for a half a million dollar mortgage with no collateral and she used most of the money to buy the mobile home so the bank can't come back and take the cash back which she got from the cash-out loan she is no longer paying even though she has cash left from taking it out of the equity of the house. With the current economy, I think the government and the lenders should do a little more research when approving short sales and deed in lieu because of people like Shawn Tracer.They SHOULD come after her and take all the cash-out funds back as well as the mobile home she bought with that money. Maybe someone should report her to the lender.
Posted on: 08th Jul, 2009 05:48 pm
this is a whole mess.
Posted on: 09th Jul, 2009 07:05 am
yes i agree with you George
Posted on: 09th Jul, 2009 10:11 am
All this rhetoric wasted on one LADY who is charming, friendly, well mannered, and by her own admission is not perfect. It is said that he who is without sin cast the first stone. Shawn made a few poor judgement calls but that is no reason or excuse to have Ian punish his Mother. Life is so short and all of this will mean nothing in years that will pass. My solution is to forgive and forget the transgressions that have been made. Move forward to a better place in time and let the past be melted away by the warmth of a renewed spark of love and friendship. I ask of Ian, who I do not know, to open the flood gates to his heart and no longer harbor the hatered and anger.that currently controls him. Words of wisdom come with a price. Age happens to be that credit card to show you that to forgive and foorget is a most precious commodity u own.
Posted on: 02nd Sep, 2010 04:12 am
Cut your ties now, she is one bad apple. Been there.
Posted on: 17th Sep, 2010 08:47 am
It seems like the post above from maniacmarvin is from the original poster. No one really mentions Shawn's son's name at all in the above post but maniacmarvin refers to him as Ian. A case of mistaken identity for maniacmarvin or just a sad attempt by Shawn to redeem herself (this person says they don't know Ian but pulls this name out of thin air?). I agree with the post from ALT, cut your ties whoever Shawn's son is - she sounds like one bad apple.
Posted on: 29th Nov, 2010 01:40 pm
Shawn has a lot to answer for. Is there anyone who knows where to find this woman?
Posted on: 11th Mar, 2011 03:00 am
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