Posted on: 17th Sep, 2009 12:48 pm
me and my husband are buying a trailer home for $8000.00 dollars and we only make a 200.00 payment each month and it seems like with all these bills that it is making it harder for us on top of we have three kids, i was just wondering if i could get anytpye of help with are situation?
Hi mrsvinzant,
If you are afraid that you would be delinquent on your mortgage payment, then you should contact your lender and apply for a loan modification. If the lender is convinced about your financial crisis, he would accept your offer. As a result you would get a lowered interest rate to pay off the dues. However, just remember that your loan term would get increased in this process.
If you are afraid that you would be delinquent on your mortgage payment, then you should contact your lender and apply for a loan modification. If the lender is convinced about your financial crisis, he would accept your offer. As a result you would get a lowered interest rate to pay off the dues. However, just remember that your loan term would get increased in this process.