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removing ex wife name from loan she has never paid on

Posted on: 21st Dec, 2009 12:53 pm
I am making the mortgage payments, my ex wife's name is on the home loan though she has never made a payment. What do i have to do to get her name off the papers. Legally she can come into my home even though she does not pay mortgage because her name is on the loan..
Hi dvdlate,

In order to remove your ex-wife from the mortgage documents, you will have to refinance the mortgage. Once you do so, the mortgage will be transferred in your name. You've mentioned that your wife's name is on the mortgage docs. Is her name mentioned on the property deed as well? If not, then she will not be able to come and stay in that property. However, if her name is mentioned on the property deed, then she will have to sign a quit claim deed in your favor and remove her name. This will make you the sole owner of the property.

Posted on: 21st Dec, 2009 07:07 pm
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