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Repercussions of being on title

Posted on: 20th Jan, 2011 05:54 am
My ex girlfreidn is living in our home she is only on the title but I'm on the mortgage and title. She was paying the mortgae but fell behind. I know that's only hurting my credit but is there any situation where it can effect her being on the title? Also can I just kick her out and move back in? Waht if she doesn't want to sign a "quit claim"?

Thanks in advance!
Welcome ticalal,

If your ex-girlfriend's name is mentioned on the property deed, then she has the rights to stay in the property. You won't be able to throw her out of it. As your name is mentioned on the mortgage docs, it means you're liable for paying off the dues. However, as your name is also mentioned on the property deed, you will have the rights to stay in the property.
Posted on: 20th Jan, 2011 10:44 pm
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