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deed, trust

Posted on: 18th Oct, 2013 12:17 am
my husband owns a house that he bought previous to our marriage. The house is part of a trust. I am also included/considered in the existing trust. He is asking me to sign a inter spousal deed, saying I do not have any interest in the property, because he is asking for a line of credit and I don't want to sign for it, although as I said, I am included in the trust and the house is also part of it. Which impact will have to sign this deed with respect to the trust. The bank is requesting a deed and the lawyer recommended it, as part of the solution. I would like to know my rights? thanks
If you sign the deed, you may lose all your rights toward that property. Before taking any decision in this regard, you can take help of an attorney and take his opinion.
Posted on: 18th Oct, 2013 02:13 am
Welcome len,

I agree with what Niicss has said. The real estate attorney will be able to help you better in this regard.
Posted on: 20th Oct, 2013 08:41 pm
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