Posted on: 02nd Oct, 2008 05:27 pm
I am the Grand Son and heir of a small lot. the property has been in my
care for over 50 years, taxes and up-keep. I would like to sale, but need a quiet title.
care for over 50 years, taxes and up-keep. I would like to sale, but need a quiet title.
Hi Pat Brown!
Welcome to the Forum!
Yes, you can go for a quiet title by filing a lawsuit in the court having jurisdiction over land disputes. This will help you to establish your claim to the real property against anyone and everyone. This title will thus stop any kind of challenges or claims to the title. The property will be free of any other claims.
Feel free to ask if you have further queries.
Welcome to the Forum!
Yes, you can go for a quiet title by filing a lawsuit in the court having jurisdiction over land disputes. This will help you to establish your claim to the real property against anyone and everyone. This title will thus stop any kind of challenges or claims to the title. The property will be free of any other claims.
Feel free to ask if you have further queries.
Yes, a quiet title is a good option for you but if the property is in your name, then I don't think you will have to go for it.