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getting names taken off of property

Posted on: 08th Jun, 2012 08:50 am
my parents left her home and property to their 3 children. How can I get the other 2 names off . they are not paying any taxes or helping with anything
hi jeanne,

if there is no mortgage on the property, and all three children are the sole people on the title, then you can, with their consent and signatures, sign a quit claim deed, removing parties or adding parties to title. if they are unwilling to sign, and your home has already gone through estate, then you have a fight on your hands. without them legally signing off the title, they are still part owners in the property.
Posted on: 08th Jun, 2012 09:36 am
Hi Jeanne,

You will have to ask the other two property owners to sign a property deed in your favor so that you become the sole owner of the property. The deed can be a quitclaim deed or a warranty deed depending upon your situation.

Posted on: 08th Jun, 2012 08:05 pm
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