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Posted on: 25th Jul, 2012 11:10 am
my father inlaw and mother inlaw have a home on 640 acres in new mexico, my father inlaw had a stroke in 2006 he is bed ridden at home but his wife takes care of him with assistance. They had a trust made a few years ago deviding up the land to the kids after they both pass, and now medicade is wanting to kick him off and she said they are also wanting to take their land. all the material I have read is in regaurds to a nursing home which he is not in he is at home. is their anything we can do to protect the land and can they take the land? They also are saying that they have to pay back all the money that was paid out since the trust was set up. Does anyone have some answers or advice?
Hi jross!

Welcome to forums!

If your father-in-law has taken medicaid assistance, then they will come after his property. Nevertheless, it will be better if you could contact a local attorney well versed with the medicaid laws of your state and take his help in this regard.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 25th Jul, 2012 08:57 pm
Hi jross,

I agree with Sussane. You can contact an estate and discuss the whole situation with him. He will let you know what steps you can take in this regard to save the property from Medicaid.

Posted on: 26th Jul, 2012 09:34 pm
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