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Parents deceased. No deed, no will 2 homes

Posted on: 22nd Aug, 2012 09:50 am
Both of my parents are deceased. My father 12 years ago, and my mother 2 weeks ago. They had no wii, I can't find the deed, they owned 2 homes. The homes are next door from one another. I lived in the smaller home and have spent close to 15,000 on repairs, it was built in 1930. Mom was giving me that house plus on top of all the repairs I was still paying rent. Our agreement was, I pay rent for as long as she was living and she was going to sign it over to me. I even paid the taxes and insurance on it. Everything happens so fast! She was never sick and didn't even take any prescription drugs. She felt I'll, then hospital, then she was gone in less than a month I have 3 siblings, and they never were around much and never helped out. They ways left everything up to me and I'm not a spring chicken, I'll be 55 in a couple of months. How do I go about getting the house I live in put in my name? I can't find the deed and no will!!! Help!
Hi Rosstree,

You will have to contact the county recorder's office in order to get a duplicate deed of the property. Then you need to file an affidavit of heirship at the county recorder's office and get the property transferred in your name.

Posted on: 22nd Aug, 2012 08:39 pm
Hi Rosstree!

Welcome to forums!

You can even contact a real estate attorney and take his help in this whole process.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 23rd Aug, 2012 09:36 pm
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