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How do I find a POA to fix my title problem?

Posted on: 17th Sep, 2009 07:37 am
I am closing on my house 10/26/09. I was just notified by the closing attorney that there is a title problem. An attorney that signed an assignment of my mortgage to another bank (from Pacific Guarantee Mortgage Corp to Northwest, which eventually became Wells Fargo) did so as POA for Pacific. The title examiner could find no POA for this attorney, and Pacific Guarantee is out of business. I searched the Registry of Deeds and couldn't find a POA for an attorney Jennifer Green. Closing attorney said I need the POA so she can certify title to the next buyer.
Hi bebarber,

It is true that you won't receive a free and clear title if the closing attorney does not receive the POA. You can contact the attorney if possible and check out if she can help you with the POA.

Posted on: 17th Sep, 2009 09:22 pm
An attorney does not need a written power of attorney, he already is one by law. Also, an assignment of a mortgage should not affect title. The mortgage is on the title no matter who receives payment.
Posted on: 18th Sep, 2009 07:13 am
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