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Mortgage right to survirship

Posted on: 19th Oct, 2013 03:43 am
I am currently legally separated and am a coowner with rights to survivorship of the home the court has awarded to me, The mortgage is under VA/Wells fargo and in both my legally separated husband and my name, Currently the order states that he is to pay the mortgage until 2017 and I am to place it on the market at that time. The home is upside down and is over 40 years old and would be a very hard sale unless renovations etc are done on the home. I am permantly disabled and have very limited income from spousal maintanence. Currently in the process of SSDI. Deed has both our names on it. In this instance, how does survivorship work? Do I have to sell or do I have the right to remain in home. He is no longer a tenant here. Im just concerned that I may be getting it in the back. I dpnt know if I can refinance in 2017 or have to move. We are both equally responsible for the mortgage loan 50/50 according to Wells.
Hi Janice,

The court has given you the order to sell off the property. In such a situation, it will be better to follow the court's orders and sell off the property.
Posted on: 20th Oct, 2013 08:23 pm
Hi Janice!

Welcome to the forums!

You will have to follow the court's order in this case. In such a situation, it will be difficult for you to save the property. However, you should talk to the attorney and check out if he can provide you with a way out.

Feel free to ask if you have further queries.

Posted on: 21st Oct, 2013 09:41 pm
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