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what route should i go?? quitclaim or take my chances

Posted on: 04th Aug, 2007 03:22 pm
i own a house from my first marriage before i entered my second marriage. my 2nd wife has moved out to her mothers to take care of her, but is moving everything out of hers. i am afraid she will eventually want to take the house and everything with it. does she have any rights to the house. she made no payments on it.
"i own a house from my first marriage before i entered my second marriage. my 2nd wife has moved out to her mothers to take care of her, but is moving everything out of hers. i am afraid she will eventually want to take the house and everything with it. does she have any rights to the house. she made no payments on it."

Hi Crazymap,

If you own the house solely then she cannot put a claim on the house. Only if she is on the title then she will be entitled to get her share of ownership from the house.

Posted on: 04th Aug, 2007 06:06 pm
If divorce occurs it is possible that court will give her a certain share out of the house even if she does not have any rights over it.
Posted on: 04th Aug, 2007 07:08 pm
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