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Removing mom from Title

Posted on: 19th Jul, 2010 01:03 pm
My mother got into to debt so bad that she was going to lose her house. My husband and I got on her title with her then refied and took her off the mortgage so she is only on the title. How do i get her off the title? I heard you can only quick claim if we were on the title when it was first purchased. Since that is not the case, how can i remove her. She continues to spend and her debt is getting higher and i am nervous that we could lose the house since she is on the title.

As far as I can understand, your mother will have to sign a quit claim deed and transfer the property to you. This will make you the owner of the property. You can contact a real estate attorney and take his opinion in this regard. The real estate attorney will help you in getting the deed drafted as well.
Posted on: 20th Jul, 2010 03:18 am
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