Posted on: 10th Dec, 2009 12:13 pm
Does my Mom need to do a will if she just puts me on the title or deed on her home? That's all she ownes anyway. Thanks!
Hi Guest,
As your mother has included your name in the property deed, you would be considered as the co-owner of the property. After her death, you can file an affidavit of heirship and get the property transferred in your name. If your mother wishes, she can even draft a will. After her death, you'll have to probate the will in order to get the property transferred in your name.
As your mother has included your name in the property deed, you would be considered as the co-owner of the property. After her death, you can file an affidavit of heirship and get the property transferred in your name. If your mother wishes, she can even draft a will. After her death, you'll have to probate the will in order to get the property transferred in your name.