Posted on: 14th Oct, 2010 09:08 am
My uncle passed away June 5, 2009. Another uncle ( one of his brother's) had a POA over the deceased uncle in 2004. September 2005 my uncle sold his house and property to yet another brother. Then this brother got a POA over my uncle (his brother).Nothing was filed in court I checked. I was able to find in the clerk's office a warranty deed with only my deceased uncle's name where he had signed. And not as the seller. Also the clerk's office show's it listed as this: Mr. and Mrs. $$^%$$ with there address and then c/o my deceased uncle's name with life estate after his name. I was informed that if someone has a POA over them you can't sell their property without first taking it thru court. Also how can two people have a POA over a person at the same time? This took place in Arkansas. Can you please help me or tell me where to look next?
Hi Jacqueline,
In my opinion, you should immediately contact a real estate attorney and take his opinion in this matter. He will guide you what steps you need to take in this matter.
In my opinion, you should immediately contact a real estate attorney and take his opinion in this matter. He will guide you what steps you need to take in this matter.