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Labor Day, 2010

Posted on: 06th Sep, 2010 12:05 am
The end of labor is to gain leisure. - Aristotle

Happy Labor Day to all!!! :-)
Hi Adonis!

Happy Labor Day to you as well!!! :-) Have arranged a pot luck dinner this evening and hoping to enjoy some yummy dishes!!!

Posted on: 06th Sep, 2010 12:17 am
Happy Labor Day to you all!!

Here's what M. Luther King Jr. has said: "All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence." We should all try and uphold the spirit of humanity and labor if we want to excel in our lives and let others excel in theirs as well.
Posted on: 06th Sep, 2010 03:00 am
"Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop."... Happy Labor Day to all!!! :-)
Posted on: 06th Sep, 2010 03:26 am
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