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bad quick claim deeds, how fix?

Posted on: 06th Apr, 2012 03:07 pm
they tell me both QCDs are wrong. I need to fix and refile, but no
one will tell me what is wrong. Can any one help?

[size=9:4fee7d2dd6][color=Red:4fee7d2dd6][Email address deleted as per forum rules. Thanks.][/color:4fee7d2dd6][/size:4fee7d2dd6]
without seeing them or knowing the parties and the transaction, we would not be able to help you. take you QCD to your local title or escrow office with the other party and have them prepare the correct documents needed.
Posted on: 06th Apr, 2012 05:00 pm
Hi paulmars,

In my opinion, it will be a better option if you could contact a local real estate attorney and take his suggestions in this regard. The real estate attorney will go through the deed and let you know the errors and will also help you in drafting the new correct deed.
Posted on: 06th Apr, 2012 07:27 pm
i was hoping a lawyer or title person would be here.
Posted on: 06th Apr, 2012 08:13 pm
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