Posted on: 03rd Mar, 2011 10:42 am
i want to add my sons name to my property. it will ultimately go to him upon my death. i don't, however, want to give him the right to transfer or sell any portion of the property as long as i'm alive. bottom line, my name and his on the deed. i can sell or transfer. he can't until i'm dead. where do i find the forms to complete this? i've found a generic quit claim deed at staple's. the wording seems to give up all my rights to the property.
Hi cjinca!
Welcome to forums!
You will have to contact a real estate attorney and draft a quitclaim deed with the required terms and conditions. The real estate attorney will be able to guide you in this matter.
Feel free to ask if you've further queries.
Welcome to forums!
You will have to contact a real estate attorney and draft a quitclaim deed with the required terms and conditions. The real estate attorney will be able to guide you in this matter.
Feel free to ask if you've further queries.