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Quit clain deed

Posted on: 12th Aug, 2008 06:30 am

Just a simple question so i think. I have tried to research this with not much luck. I live in Fredericton, NB and am wanting to take my name off the title of the house i shared with my ex common law partner. He is the only one on the mortgage and I have walked away with a seperation agreement to do so and no hostile feelings... We just want to get my name off the house and carry on. There are children involved in which he will assume custody, the reasoning why i have no desire to touch our family home (that once was) and it seems like a headache trying to find information on how to do so.

what docs do i need?

where do i go to file this?

what are the costs involved?

Any information would be more then appreciated... we would like to get this done but have avoided major lawyer fees because we get along abnormally well and split on good terms... is there anyway to do this withough someone getting paid the big bucks LOL!!!

Hi Guest. Welcome to the forum.

If you are not on the mortgage then you should not have much problem. You can simply sign a quitclaim deed to transfer your share of the property to your ex-husband. It will not cost you much. But it is always good if you can take help from an attorney. BTW the deed needs to be notarized and recorded in the county recorder's office.

Best of luck,
Posted on: 13th Aug, 2008 02:52 am
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