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quit claim deed

Posted on: 20th Sep, 2009 04:28 pm
Hi My mother and father have had some marrital issues lately and a divorce is impending but not filed. My mother is the only one on the deed and made all payments and it is paid off. can she sign the house over to me or gift it to me to keep my father from having any rights to it? Thanks i really appreciate the advice!
Yes she can do a quit claim deedand she will no longer have any owner ship on that property

MAke sure ti is notorized and recorded in the county
Posted on: 20th Sep, 2009 06:11 pm
Hi trickdoor28,

Welcome to our forum

It's possible if your mother transfer proprty to your as gift by quit claim deed. After that your father has not any rights on property. Draft deed by your attorney.

Thanks & Regards
Posted on: 20th Sep, 2009 09:23 pm
thank you for you advice again.... i have something to add there is a small lean on the property to a bondsman of 3000.00 that my parents used to get my brother out of jail. They used the house as collateral. Does that mean that the debt will transfer to me if the house is quit claimed to me?
Posted on: 21st Sep, 2009 06:13 am
Hi trickdoor,

The lien has been placed on the property. So, once the property is quitclaimed to you, it would be your liability to pay it off in order to get a free and clear title.
Posted on: 21st Sep, 2009 09:43 pm
Thats correct Trick door

You are responsible to pay that debt
Posted on: 21st Sep, 2009 09:58 pm
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