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Does the ex-wife still receive the monetary judgement?

Posted on: 29th Jul, 2007 10:45 pm
my husband's ex-wife was granted x amount of dollars upon the sale of the family home and then signed a quit claim deed that states the amount due her. does this mean that she no longer has any interest in the home and/or nullifies the amount due her since the quit claim was signed after the fact of the divorce?
For me it's looking that she has no more interest on your husband's home.
Posted on: 29th Jul, 2007 10:54 pm
Hi Marie,

If your husband's ex-wife signed a quit claim deed that states the x amount of dollars due her. Then it's state the she does not have any right of interest in the home but the x amount dollars is due to her. That your husband will needs to clear it at the time of sale. Otherwise she can file a suit against it.

Posted on: 30th Jul, 2007 02:20 am
Hi Marie,

The statement on the deed probably means that the x amount of dollars is due on your ex wife's name and she should be given off that specified amount at the time of the selling the property.
Posted on: 30th Jul, 2007 04:22 am
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