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does ownership/responsibility start immmediately after a Qui

Posted on: 04th Aug, 2007 12:29 pm
my mother is leaving the country next year and wants to give the house to me , her son, before doing so. upon recording of the quit claim deed, am i immediately responsible for all financial payments, ie... maintenance fees, utility bills, property taxes, etc? am i officailly the owner of the house after this deed, with my name on the title and not hers? would it be better to add my name instead? she does not plan on returning. i very likely would want to sell the house shortly after she leaves.
Hi Cmill,

After the deed is made you will become the owner of the house and will have all the responsibility of maintaining it. Your mother will be relieved of all these obligations.

If she does not have any plans of returning then there is no need to include you as a co-owner, instead she should quit claim all her rights over to you. Afterwards if you wish to sell, as the owner you will not have any difficulty.

Posted on: 04th Aug, 2007 12:44 pm
If the deed is properly recorded then you will be the official owner of the house. You should take help of an attorney in the whole ownership transfer process to make sure no mistakes occur.
Posted on: 04th Aug, 2007 07:06 pm
Hello Cmill,

When your mother quitclaim the property, you immediately gain the ownership to the property title. And with the deed, you become responsible for all financial payments and property taxes associated with the house.

Once you gain ownership, you can sell the house or do anything with it according to your wish.
Posted on: 06th Aug, 2007 02:41 am
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