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quit claim deed

Posted on: 31st Jul, 2007 07:34 pm
i'v been corresponding with a man who has been on death row in florida since 2000. his father died in may of 2005, and did not leave a will. one of the inmate's sister's hired and attorney and the court made her representative of the estate. she recieved an offer for less than the appraisal of the house that she and the court supposedly agreed to sell it for. recently the inmate recieved a quit claim deed for 10 dollars. i am wondering what rights he has, if any, to the other third of the sale. obviously if he needs to sign the quit claim deed, he has an interrest in the house. if he does not sign the form and does not dispute it, what options does the buyer or the sister have?

nicole h.
Hi Nholler,

I think that the sister probably wants to buy out the inmate from the property share. That is why she has also sent a quitclaim deed to him in return of 10$. Now, if the inmate is at all interested in the property, he should review the deed properly and if needed, should also consult an attorney for further assistance.

If he does not dispute, he will have to loss his share and may also have to move out of the house.
Posted on: 31st Jul, 2007 09:14 pm
As sister is representative of the estate she will be deciding who the house will be sold to. The inmate cannot take decision on his own if he has been declared incapable of taking legal decision on his own because of his physical condition.

And being incapable of making sound financial decision he will lose rights to sign on any property transfer document.
Posted on: 01st Aug, 2007 05:39 pm
" If he does not sign the form and does not dispute it, what options does the buyer or the sister have? "

Even if doesn't sign, as sister was made representative of the estate, she holds legal powers to sell the house on his behalf.
Posted on: 02nd Aug, 2007 04:35 pm
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