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would like refinance the first loan and not the second to avoid paying pmi.

Posted on: 05th Jul, 2010 07:05 pm
would like to know if i could refinance the first loan of my 80/20 loan and not have to pay pmi. i have approx 247,500 left on first and house is valued at approx 285000.
Hi Guest,

You can refinance the first of your 80/20 mortgage. If you pay the required down payment, you will be able to avoid the PMI.

Posted on: 05th Jul, 2010 09:25 pm
a balance of $247,500 would normally require pmi to refinance because that is over 80% of the present value of $285,000.

if the present first mortgage is owned by fannie mae or freddie mac, it may be possible to refinance without pmi because a special refinance program exists for such a circumstance. it is a requirement that the second mortgage holder agree to subordinate and there is no requirement that they do so.

if the first and second mortgages are owned by the same lender, you stand a better chance.

first step is to call the customer service number of your existing mortgage and ask if the mortgage is owned by fannie mae and freddie mac.
Posted on: 06th Jul, 2010 06:18 am
please confirm wheather both loans are from same lender.....
Posted on: 06th Jul, 2010 07:57 am
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