Posted on: 11th May, 2009 07:10 am
I've had my mortgage for 3 years and want to re-finance. I'm curious if I will need to supply all the same paperwork - 6 month pay stub history, assets, etc. as I did before? Is the process any easier if I stay with the same provider?
glenn i cannot believe anyone asked you for 6 months of paystubs. that's an outrage, and makes no sense at all. you will be asked to document your current income, yes; you will also have to document your savings/checking. in either case, you shouldn't be asked for more than a month's worth of pay stubs and 2 months' worth of bank statements.
Hehe yes that i have never heard of my self too 6 months is crazy. 2 months bank statements w2 forms 2 most recent pay check stubs is more like it..
"never heard of it"
in your vast experience you mean...right?
in your vast experience you mean...right?
My experience has been 2 paystubs and other supportign documents.
typically, yes, jeni
Thanks for confirming it Mr.G