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Refinance my existing mortgage

Posted on: 01st Jan, 2014 11:13 pm
Hello there... I need to refinance my existing mortgage but I have a credit score of 755. But my wife is unemployed right now. Will we be able to get the refinance?
Hi Ben,

You can remove your wife from the mortgage and refinance it solely in your name. If you meet all the required criteria of the lender, then you will be able to get the refinance.

Take care
Posted on: 02nd Jan, 2014 12:09 am
You can refinance as long as you qualify with your income alone.
Your wife does not have to be removed from the mortgage to refinance. That statement above makes no sense.

If your mortgage closed prior to June 1, 2009 and is owned by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, call your existing servicer and you may be able to refinance without income qualification and without credit score requirements.
Posted on: 02nd Jan, 2014 10:19 am
Hey John,

What I actually wanted to mean by the above sentence - "You can remove your wife from the mortgage and refinance it solely in your name." - was that as the wife is unemployed, the lender might not allow her to refinance the mortgage. In that case her name may have to removed from the mortgage and the husband needs to refinance the mortgage alone in his name. Thus, the wife's name will not be mentioned on the mortgage docs anymore.

Take care
Posted on: 02nd Jan, 2014 06:40 pm
There is no lender in the United States who requires that a co-borrower be employed.
No lnder will require that his wife may not be on the mortgage due to not being employed.
That is just flat out wrong and bad advice.
Posted on: 06th Jan, 2014 01:14 pm
As mentioned you can refinance if you qualify on your income alone - your wife can remain as a coborrower but she will not be bringing anything to the table - if her scores are lower it may help to do the new loan in just your name and using just your scores
You should talk to a mortgage person about the details of your scenario - it sounds like it will all come down to does your income qualify you for a mortgage

Posted on: 15th Jan, 2014 11:12 am
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