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Refinancing with the Cosigner

Posted on: 08th Sep, 2010 09:51 am
Will adding a cosigner help my chances of refinancing?

Also, can someone show me how to locate a question I asked yesterday that I am wondering if anyone responded to.

Hi Guest!

Welcome to forums!

A cosigner will help you in refinancing the loan provided he or she has a good credit and stable financial situation. In case, you meet the required criteria of the lender, you'll be able to refinance it yourself.

You can send the title of your query and we can help you in locating it. If you've registered as a member and then posted the query, then you can let us know the user name and members here will help you in locating your query.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 09th Sep, 2010 12:43 am
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