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house responsibility

Posted on: 19th Sep, 2009 09:38 am
i have recently remarried in febuary and my new husband did a prenupitial in which he stated that his other property is paid for will be sold and the sale of that property will pay off the mortgage of the house we now live in. he also stated that i am allowed to live in this home until my death. a couple of months ago my husband refinance this home and i was required to sign the new refianced mortgage because we are now married. what am i responsibility of this home and upon my husband's death, does this house belong to me. thank you schultzee
If you name is on the deed then you have the right on the property

But since you singed the refinance papers you are also liable to pay the loan if any after his death
Posted on: 20th Sep, 2009 11:23 am
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