Posted on: 19th Aug, 2009 11:49 am
hi i am in the process of refinancing my primary residence home. i got approved on rate for my primary residence and i am waiting for the closing date. however, i also want to refinance my investment property. my question is can i refinance my investment property while waiting for my primary residence home refinance done? do i have any problem with the bank that i am doing with for refinancing my primary residence home? thank you!
first, you ought to be able to refinance each of these mortgages at the same time. second, you ought to be able to do the financing with the same bank; or, if rates are better elsewhere, go to a different lender. there ought not to be any issues with this situation, either. presumably, you're bettering your position in both cases, and that'd be taken into consideration.
i have several properties free and clear, i'd like to take money out. what is the best way to go about it? treat each one individually or as a group?
your question was answered on your other post
your question was answered on your other post