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580 MTG Refi

Posted on: 23rd Sep, 2010 08:22 am
i am in an owner financed property that balloons in december. for the past year and a half i have been working diligently with a company to repair my creidt. it has improved greatly. my middle score should be sitting right around a 580, but not 100% sure because i can't acces experian. my tu = 620 exp = 575 eq = not reporting. last i checked. i have had alot of improvements since than such as a collection being removed and several inquiries. my score should definitely have increased as nothing new hit my report. i am looking to refinance the home 50k is what i owe and possibly get cash out as i would like to make home improvements. is there a company that someone can guide me to that may help?

i have been working with a broker (no contract), but something doesn't seem right as the knowledge doesn't seem to be there and no urgency in trying to obtain the business.
Posted on: 24th Sep, 2010 12:50 am
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