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Can creditors seize my money?

Posted on: 04th Jul, 2008 09:43 pm
I have taken out a college savings plan for my son with the money he received from a lawsuit (he's 10 years old) . The bank listed me as the owner of the account and my son was the beneficiary. Can my creditors seize the money? I have even asked the broker who sold me the account but he said it wasn't so because my son is listed as the beneficiary . Bit I'm not sure about it . Can anyone throw some light on this? I don't have any judgment against me nor have I been taken to court by any creditor.
Hi Jayson.

Welcome to the forum.

Is this a Section 529 savings plan? If so then it should be protected from the creditor. BTW as this is your son's money although you are listed as the owner, the credit cannot seize the money/account. You should talk with the bank agents regarding this.

Best of luck,
Posted on: 05th Jul, 2008 02:40 am
If the broker told you that they can not seize it then he or she probably put it into the type of account that Larry is describing to you, you should consult with the bank to make sure of this.

If it is not this type of account, you can make sure that the account is closed and put into an account that will protect the funds from the creditors that seeks money from you.
Posted on: 08th Jul, 2008 08:03 am
can my creditors seize money from my checking account if it money paid to me for personal property loss from a home fire?
Posted on: 07th Oct, 2010 02:36 pm
can property insureance settlement money be seized by reditors?
Posted on: 07th Oct, 2010 02:39 pm
Hi Ed,

Any money deposited in your checking account can be garnished by your creditor.

To billy,

If your creditors have received a judgment against you to garnish your checking account and if the property insurance settlement money is deposited in the checking account, then the creditors can garnish it.

Posted on: 07th Oct, 2010 10:32 pm
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